The Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off

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In aid to raise money for Cancer Treatment Research, we organised a baking competition for employees. Let me tell you, there wasn't a soggy bottom in sight!
All employees entering the competition were given the theme of cakes. Anything cake related was accepted, Victoria sponge cake, Cupcakes, etc.

Cakes on table being judged

We can do this SU2C

To make the competition even more interesting, we invited owners Pete and Mary Welbourn from our local bakery (Welbourne's bakery) to come and judge our bakes. They had no idea who baked which cake, this made the competition even more interesting.
We left the room and eagerly watched through the glass doors as they tasted each cake. They were judging for the top three bakes from all the cakes submitted.

Pete and Mary Welbourne judging the bakes 2

Chairty bake sale winners

The Results

Drum roll please... Pete and Mary came to a decision with picking the top three 'Star Bakers', the results are:

Third place

Second place

Star Baker 2

First place

Star Baker 1

Third place went to this fantastic Lemon cheesecake, brought in by Annabelle, one of our Housekeepers, with its punchy flavours and 10/10 base, this deserved to be in the top 3. Second place was awarded to our Store Co-ordinator Paul for the design and detail put into this cake.
Finally, first place was given to our Receptionist Janine for bringing in this incredible chocolate cake with hints of 'Mint Aero'! All winners won items purchased from 'Stand Up To Cancer Charity' shop, Including the Star Baker apron.


The best bit about our three winners here, none of them baked these cakes... these were the only three cakes baked by family members, so, maybe SDG employees are best to avoid baking in the future.


We had a brilliant day trying cakes and raising money for Cancer Research. We are pleased to announce that we raised an amazing £96.25!


Thank you to everyone for bringing in your bakes and thank you to Pete and Mary Welbourne for being our professional judges. Hopefully you were not too disappointed with our baking efforts!


For more information on how you can help support Stand Up To Cancer, visit