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SDG hosted a full day of entertainment, food and games for all employees! We firmly believe in rewarding staff members for the time and energy they devote to the company. Being a family run business, SDG know the importance of spending time with loved ones, thats why we also invited close friends and family to join in!

The day...

Employees, family, and friends gathered at Tattershall Kart Centre on the morning of SDG's summer party to compete and try to win in various races. Teams of approximately 9 people competed against one another in mini races. The top finishers from each race advanced to the final race to determine the overall winner of the day. Nothing better than some friendly competition between the boss and the employees!

Everyone travelled to Coleby Village Hall after the morning of go-karting, here, the fun continued with bouncy castles, slides, and inflatable games. The deck chairs were out and there were various drinks available for everyone to help themselves.

All the traditional fish and chip shop food was delivered by The Lincolnshire Fryer and for dessert, Party Delights arrived with a variety of ice creams and deserts for everyone.

A large rounders game that everyone could participate in marked the end of the SDG's Summer Party.

Go-Karting Race

Ready to race

Group shot of all karters

Inflatable games

Employees chatting

Team Race

Smiling boy

Game of rounders

Go-karting thumbs up

Group shot of go-karters

Waiting for food

Game of rounders

Big thank you to Tattershall Kart Centre and Coleby Village Hall for allowing us to host our day at your venues. Also thank you to The Lincolnshire Fryer and Party delights for supplying us such delicious food!


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